Jesus Heals the Blind and ‘Open My Eyes’

Today, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent —also called Rose or “Laetare” (rejoice) Sunday— the entire liturgy invites us to experience a deep joy, a great exultation, because Easter is getting nearer.In this Sunday’s Gospel (John 9:1-41), Jesus was a factor of great joy for that man who had been blind from birth, and who received his eyesight from Him along with the gift of his spiritual light. The blind believed and he received Christ's light. On the other hand, the Pharisees, so engulfed in their own wisdom and light, remained blinded because of their hardness of heart and their sins. In fact, “they did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight”.

How essential is Christ's light to see reality in its right true dimension! Without the light of faith we would be almost blind. We have been bestowed with Christ's light and even more so, this light must shine brightly so that it may appeal to those who are still unaware of it. Lord, open our eyes that we may see!

In honour of this Gospel, we would like to share our latest video, "Open My Eyes", a beautiful hymn by Jesse Manibusan whose lyrics petition God to open our eyes, ears, and heart to His greatness. This makes this an ideal song for RCIA, retreats, devotional services and Sundays where the readings feature Jesus healing the blind or deaf.

Video can be watched by clicking here or on the picture below:

Wishing everyone a wonderful Laetare Sunday!

God bless!


Songs of Healing


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