Jesus is the Way & “Come to the Lord”

The readings for the last few Sundays have been about the Resurrection, but today’s Gospel (John 14:6) takes us back in time to an event in Jesus’ life before his Passion. Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house. He promises that where he is going, his disciples will be able to follow. Thomas, who will later doubt the disciples’ reports that they have seen the Risen Lord, contradicts Jesus by saying that the disciples don’t know where Jesus is going or how to get there. Jesus explains that he himself is the way, the truth, and the life. In knowing and loving Jesus, the disciples now love God the Father.

The connection between Jesus and his Father is made clear in today’s Gospel. Jesus is in the Father, and God the Father is in Jesus. As God spoke his name to Moses, “I AM,” so too Jesus speaks his name to his disciples: “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

In honour of this Gospel, we would like to share our latest video, "Come to the Lord", a hymn that is an invitation to embrace the Lord without fear or worry. It would make a nice choice for First Communion and for themes of comfort, courage, and hope; all things one needs when going through times of suffering.

Video can be watched by clicking here or on the picture below:

Thanks for your support and wishing you a wonderful weekend.

God bless,

Sunday 7pm Choir


Your Words Are Spirit and Life


On The Road to Emmaus and “In the Breaking of the Bread”